What Is CBD and What Is CBD Oil Used For?

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Are you looking for relief from the chronic pain that makes everyday living a challenge? Do you suffer from crippling anxiety, undue amounts of stress, or daily inflammation that puts pressure on your joints?
If so, CBD oil can offer soothing, therapeutic relief from the most uncomfortable symptoms.
Even if you aren’t in the throes of a challenging medical condition, you can still use this oil to maintain a sense of balance and calm throughout the day.
What is CBD oil used for and how can you find the purest kind? We’re answering those questions and more today. Read on to discover how this product is made, the different ways to use it, and where to shop for the most natural, authentic bottles today.
What Is CBD Oil?
First, let’s get a few basic definitions out of the way.
CBD is short for Cannabidiol. It’s one of more than 110 different cannabinoids that are found naturally in the cannabis plant.
However, even though CBD is found in marijuana, it won’t get you high. That effect is reserved for another well-known cannabinoid: THC. While recreational marijuana use continues to be discussed and debated around the country, researchers have long pointed to CBD as an effective resource for a variety of health concerns, including:
- Anxiety
- Acne
- Seizures
- Neurodegenerative disorders (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease)
- Chronic and acute pain
- Cancer
While CBD isn’t acknowledged as a treatment for the above conditions, some studies show that it can help soothe and treat the symptoms associated with them.
When manufacturers extract CBD from the marijuana plant, the final result is either an oil or a powder. Today, we’re talking about the oil form.
How Is CBD Oil Made?
In short, CBD oil is made by first extracting the cannabinoid from the cannabis plant. Then, manufacturers dilute it with a carrier oil. This might be:
- Coconut oil
- Sunflower oil
- Olive oil
- Hemp seed oil
- MCT oil
There isn’t one type of carrier oil that’s preferable over the rest. Rather, it all comes down to personal preference.
More on MCT Oil
While all the other oils should sound familiar, you might be wondering about MCT oil. Put simply, this is a special supplement made from a kind of fat called medium-chain triglycerides, or MCT. While MCT is abundant in foods like coconut, it’s found more commonly as a supplement rather than a part of your daily diet.
Instead, most people usually consume long-chain triglycerides (LCT) on a daily basis. While these can be difficult to digest and break down, that isn’t the case with MCT. In fact, this type of oil quickly absorbs into your bloodstream, where it turns into energy you can use.
Although more research needs to be conducted to establish a definitive connection, some early evidence suggests that MCT oil can provide a range of health benefits, including:
- Appetite control
- Improved energy
- Reduced inflammation
Interested in trying CBD and MCT together? Check out this Full-Spectrum CBD in MCT Oil!
Getting Your Dosage Right
Before we dive into a few of the most common ways to take CBD, it’s important to understand what we mean when we say “a dosage”.
First, there’s no one-size-fits-all dose that works for everyone. Your ideal amount might vary from your neighbor’s and that’s to be expected. There are a few different factors that will affect how much CBD you should consume including:
- Your gender
- Your weight
- Your overall physical health
- Your body chemistry
- The condition you want to treat
- Your chosen method of CBD consumption
Once you know what works for you (and what doesn’t), you can start developing a daily regimen. You can even build your own Custom CBD kit from more than 240 variations! Fully personalized and made to order, this is a great way to ramp up excitement around your new routine.
Adjusting Gradually and Incrementally
As with any supplement, it’s always best to start with a small dose and work your way upward from there. You should also speak to your healthcare physician about your intent to start a CBD routine. These professionals can guide you toward an appropriate dosage and can also inform you about any potential risks.
If you don’t get a recommendation, start with a small dose of around 25mg to 40mg of CBD. After about one week, you can gradually increase this amount by about 5g per day. Continue making these small, incremental adjustments until you feel like you’ve found the ideal level that works for you.
Keep track of your dosing adjustments on your smartphone or a piece of paper, and refer back to it any time you want to make an adjustment.
Different Ways to Use CBD Oil
Are you interested in incorporating CBD oil into your daily routine? By investing in one bottle, you can open the door to a variety of exciting and rewarding uses.
Let’s take a look at a few of the most common ones!
CBD Oil Tinctures
Most CBD oils are available as tinctures. This is simply a small bottle with a lid that contains a dropper or a spray nozzle. When you’re ready to take a dose, you’ll simply put the liquid directly under your tongue and ingest it sublingually.
This particular part of your mouth is rich in capillaries, so the compound can reach your bloodstream quickly. Plus, it bypasses your digestive system, so you can start feeling the effects much sooner. Try holding the CBD oil under your tongue for about one minute before swallowing to maximize the benefits.
CBD Capsules
While CBD oil tinctures can be effective, they aren’t always discreet or travel-friendly.
Enter, CBD capsules.
As their name implies, these are simply capsules that contain CBD oil. Not only are they convenient and easy to take with you, but they also make it easier to measure out an exact dosage every day. If you go this route, keep in mind that ingesting a capsule will require the CBD to travel through your digestive tract, which can delay its onset by about 30 minutes.
CBD Smoothies and Edibles
Love starting your day with a delicious fruit smoothie? If so, you can add a dose of CBD oil in without drastically altering the flavor profile.
This is an easy, delicious way to consume the substance, but again, it has to be digested first.
However, that slight setback might be well worth it if you’re someone who’s turned off by the earthy, sometimes pungent smell and taste of CBD. The smoothie is thick and flavorful enough to mask these properties while still delivering all of the health benefits you need!
Want to cover up the taste even more? Some people prefer to add a dose of CBD oil to their favorite recipes! For best results, stick to cold dishes that don’t require you to bake the compound, which could alter and reduce its properties.
Some easy concoctions that make use of raw CBD oil include:
- CBD oil salad dressings
- CBD oil sauces and garnishes
- CBD oil yogurt cups
CBD Gummies
Regardless of how old we are, gummies will always take us back to our childhood. They’re sweet, sticky, and utterly nostalgic. They’re also downright delicious and easy to consume.
For this reason, CBD gummies are a mainstay on the market. They’re heralded for their variety of sizes and flavors, as well as their uncanny ability to pack a major punch despite their small size.
CBD Oil Creams, Lotions, and Salves
Do you suffer from arthritis? Do you have a bad back that’s all the time bringing you down? Suffer from sore legs after long runs or intense workouts at the gym?
In any case, CBD-infused topical products can deliver quick, targeted relief where you need it the most.
In addition to lotions and creams, you can also find thicker balms and salves that deliver moisture as well as pain relief. If you’re used to using a menthol-based gel or patch, you might find that these products work as a great alternative.
What Is CBD Oil Used For?
We’ve already touched on a few of the conditions that CBD oil can help relieve, but let’s take a deeper dive into this section. Here are a few of the most common conditions that these products can target and soothe.
Pain Relief
In general, there are two different kinds of pain.
Chronic pain is continuous in nature, though your flare-ups might come and go. Usually, it’s linked back to an ongoing health condition, such as Parkinson’s disease, rather than a one-time event.
On the other hand, acute pain is directly related to an injury or circumstance. It’s normally short-term in nature and goes away once the injury fully heals.
Research shows that CBD oil can help calm both chronic and acute pain. It does so by interacting with your body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). This is the system that’s directly responsible for regulating a variety of bodily functions, including:
- Sleep
- Appetite
- Pain management
- Immune system response
Your body naturally produces neurotransmitters called endocannabinoids. When you consume CBD, it binds with these neurotransmitters and impacts their activity. In turn, this can reduce internal inflammation and pain.
Anxiety and Depression
According to research, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States. Each year, they affect 40 million adults age 18 and older.
Not only can these conditions take a toll on your mental health, but they can also damage your physical health, leading to respiratory and cardiovascular concerns. If you suffer from anxiety or depression, CBD oil might help. This is especially the case if you’re seeking a natural, holistic approach over conventional pharmaceutical drugs.
When you ingest CBD, it can act on your brain’s serotonin receptors. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate your mood and encourages social behavior. When these receptors are activated, your mood can naturally and comfortably lift.
Neurological Disorders
We’ve already discussed how CBD interacts with your body’s endocannabinoid system and other brain signaling systems. This property also makes it a promising supplement for those suffering from a range of neurological disorders, including epilepsy and MS.
For instance, one oral spray containing both CBD and THC was found in one study to lessen muscle spasticity in people with multiple sclerosis. Others have shown that it can improve sleep performance and quality of life for patients with Parkinson’s disease.
While more research will need to be conducted before these can be considered viable therapies, it’s a promising start.
Acne and Other Skin Conditions
There’s a reason topical CBD oils are so popular!
If you’re part of the 9% of the U.S. population that suffers from acne, you’ve likely tried almost every product on the drugstore shelf. If you still haven’t found relief, then it could be time to give CBD a try.
There are several factors that can cause acne, and CBD oil works to address most of them. These include:
- Underlying inflammation
- Sebum overproduction
- Bacterial growth
- Genetics
Not only does CBD contain anti-inflammatory properties, but it’s also known to naturally reduce your skin’s sebum production. Sebum is the oily, waxy substance that’s produced by your body’s sebaceous glands. Comprised of a mixture of lipids, an overproduction of sebum can lead to pimples and breakouts.
Discover the Power of CBD Today
As researchers continue to explore more ways to use and apply CBD oil, its health and wellness benefits are exceedingly obvious.
What is CBD oil used for? It’s used to treat a range of issues and support your general wellbeing. Whether you’re suffering from a chronic condition or simply want to start or end your day on a calm note, there’s an oil out there for you.
If you’re new to this realm, we can help you get started on the right foot. Check out our Ultimate Beginner’s Guide on the best ways to use CBD!